4014NHS Assessment

4014NHS- Assessment Guidelines

What are the Learning Outcomes?

The learning outcomes that will be assessed during this module are:

  1. Undertake a database search.
  2. Produce written work which is grammatically correct, well-constructed and supported with appropriate evidence and accurate referencing.
  3. Demonstrate an understanding of reflective practice and its relevance in nursing.
  4. Demonstrate numeracy skills as applied to nursing practice.

What are the Assessments?

4014NHS will have three parts to the assessment. You will be asked to carry out a database search, complete a 15 minute Nursing Calculations Test and submit a 1,000 word reflection on undertaking your database search.


Assessment Type


Learning Outcomes

Due Date

Nursing Calculations Test


15 minutes


16th February 2021

Database Search



21st March 2021 at 18:00hrs


Core Applied

1,000 words

1, 2, 3

26th March 2021 at 18:00hrs

Nursing Calculations Test

Learning Outcome 4 will be assessed using a Nursing Calculations Test. This will be 15 minutes in length and will focus on testing your numeracy skills as applied to nursing practice.

The exam will take place at 16th February 2021 at the University (you will be informed of rooms and time of maths exam soon)

This is a Core component. This means it is marked as a pass/fail and you will get two attempts to complete this test. If you do not pass on the first test this will not be noted as a fail on your record and you will be able to sit this test again on the 11th March 2021

If you pass this test on the 1st try, you will not need to sit the second test.

Database Search

For this formative assessment you must undertake a database search and provide evidence of this. You will learn how to undertake a database search during your library workshop as part of this module. This meets Learning Outcome 1 of the module.

To undertake your database search you will need to follow the following steps:

  1. Choose one of the following questions
    1. What is the psychological impact of working shifts on nurses?
    2. What factors lead to stress and burnout in registered and student nurses?
    3. What are the barriers to nurses supporting patients with health promotion?
  2. Choose an appropriate database for your search
  3. Identify keywords from your question
  4. Search your keywords using appropriate strategy on your chosen database
  5. Screenshot/ take photos of your search as evidence and to help you in your final essay

Please submit the evidence of your search to Turnitin by21st March 2021 at 18:00hrs

This is a Formative component and will be the database search that you reflect on for your final coursework during this module.

You will not be marked on this work, but this MUST be submitted AND included in the appendix of the assignment. Please also bring a copy of this work on paper of electronically to the assignment support drop-in sessions.

The feedback for this assessment will be released on turnitin and will follow the template below:

Has the student used one of the questions from the module guide? Y/N

Has the student undertaken a database search? Y/N

If there is an answer No to either of the above questions, please contact a member of the team to arrange a tutorial.

Course Work

Your coursework is a 1,000 (+/- 10%) word (excluding references and appendix) reflective account on undertaking a database search. To guide you in undertaking this reflection we recommend that you use Rolfe et al’s (2001) reflective model for this work. Reflection is a individual process and works best when you use a model that makes sense to you, so if you would like to use another model please do (for example Gibbs 1988 might be another useful model to look at). In this coursework you will need to meet Learning Outcomes 1 -3, so please be familiar with these as these are what you will be assessed on.

Please submit this work to Turnitin by 26th March 2021 at 18:00 hrs

Assignment Guidelines

You may wish to consider the following assignment guide, which has been developed to support you in writing your reflection and is based on the Rolfe et al (2001) reflective model. Please note, you do not have to follow this structure and word counts, but it is recommended that you consider a reflective model and the questions posed to you in this guidance. The number of words suggested is only a guide for each segment.

Section and Suggested Word Count

Key points and questions to think about in each section

Introduction (50-100 words)

Introduce why reflective practice is important in nursing.

Outline what you will do in this assignment and what (if any) reflective model will be used and why.

What? (150-250 words)

What topic did you choose for your database search?

What database did you choose and why?

How did you find your keywords and what were these?

So What? (200-250 words)

How did you carry out your search? E.g. Boolean operators (AND/OR)

What did your search find?

For example: How many hits did this find? Was this useful to find this number?

Did the things you find look relevant to your topic?

Did your search bring up articles that were not appropriate?

Now what?

Database search

(200-250 words)

Do you think your search was successful? And why do you think this was or was not successful?

What challenges did you face in undertaking this search?

How would you face these challenges in future searches?

How will being able to do a database search help you in your future learning and career?

Reflective Practice

(100-150 words)

How has reflective practice helped your learning? How will reflective practice help you in the future?

Conclusion (50-100 words)

Summarise what you have discussed and reiterate some of the key points. You are not required to add any new information.

Referencing in APA


Please aim for roughly 10 academic references to support this work.


You must include the evidence of your database search in your appendix. This can be screenshots/photos of the search you carried out for the formative assessment.

You may wish to also include your reflective model.

Marking Criteria

For this assessment you will be marked using the following marking criteria:

  1. Undertaking an appropriate database search and justification for how this was undertaken. (25%)
  2. Demonstrating an understanding of why reflective practice is important in nursing and effective use of reflection on the database search. (25%)
  3. Appropriate use of supporting evidence and accurate referencing. (25%)
  4. Produce written work which is grammatically correct and well-constructed. (25%)

Below you will see the Assessment Rubric for this module. This is what will be used when marking your course work.

4014NHS Assessment Rubric

1.Undertaking an appropriate database search and justification for how this was undertaken. (25%)

2.Demonstrating an understanding of why reflective practice is important in nursing and effective use of reflection on the database search. (25%)

3. Appropriate use of supporting evidence and accurate referencing. (25%)

4. Produce written work which is grammatically correct and well-constructed. (25%)


90, 95, 100

82, 85, 88

72, 75, 78

A database search was undertaken. An innovative and critical analysis of their search in terms of database chosen, use of keywords, and fully exploring elements that were strengths and weaknesses of their own search strategy.

A clear, consistent in-depth critical and evaluative discussion of reflective practice and excellent application of a reflective model/writing. The work provides critical insight into their learning from the task and the student displays the ability to develop original ideas from a range of sources, Excellent understanding of how reflection is of benefit to their learning and nursing practice.

Wide range of appropriately supporting evidence provided, going beyond the recommended texts. Correctly referenced.

An outstanding, well-structured and appropriately referenced answer. Clearly written with excellent use of grammar, punctuation and referencing.

Upper Second

62. 65, 68

A database search was undertaken. A very good attempt to explain and justify their search in terms of database chosen, use of keywords, with an emphasis on those elements that were strengths and weaknesses of their own search strategy.

A generally clear and evaluative discussion of reflective practice and very good application of a reflective model/writing. The work provides critical insight into their learning from the task and shows clear understanding of how reflection is of benefit to their learning and nursing practice.

A very good range of relevant sources is used in a largely consistent way as supporting evidence. There is use of some sources beyond recommended texts. Correctly referenced in the main.

Well organised and clearly written.

Relationships between statements and sections are easy to follow, and there is a sound, coherent structure. Good use of grammar, punctuation and referencing.

Lower Second

52, 55, 58

A database search has been undertaken. Some good attempt to justify the search undertaken. Demonstrates basic understanding of literature searching, may contain errors or omissions and discussion of issues may be superficial or limited in places.

Some discussion of reflective practice and application of a reflective model/writing. The work is descriptive in places, but makes a good attempt to reflect on learning from their database search.

A range of relevant sources is used, but the critical evaluation aspect is not fully presented. There is limited use of sources beyond the standard recommended materials. Referencing is not always correctly presented.

The structure lacks clarity. Presentation is for the most part clear, but may still contain some grammatical errors. The work is understandable and easy to follow. A few minor grammatical, punctuation and referencing errors may be present.


42, 45, 48

A database search has been undertaken. The student demonstrates limited understanding of undertaking a database search and notable omissions in their justification for search strategy.

The work is descriptive in the application of a reflective model/reflective practice and limited theoretical engagement.

A limited range of relevant sources are used, without appropriate presentation as supporting or conflicting evidence, and very limited critical analysis. Referencing has some errors.

Poor structure and presentation, with some grammatical errors. The work is understandable but in multiple sections is difficult to follow. Some grammatical, punctuation and referencing errors may be present.


35, 30, 20, 10, 0

No database search has been undertaken, or the search undertaken does not use a database. The student’s work makes little to no reference to their database search.

Descriptive with no evidence of a reflective model and no discussion of reflective practice in nursing. At the lower end displays no understanding of reflective practice.

Very limited use and application of relevant sources as supporting evidence. At the lower end demonstrates a lack of real understanding. Poor presentation of references.

Poor structure and poor presentation. At the lower end the work is for the most part grammatically incorrect and very difficult to follow. Many grammatical, punctuation and referencing errors may be present.

Late submission





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