Arts and the scientific revolution

Week 5 Arts and the scientific revolution

In your textbook reading this week (Chapters 10 and 11), you'll be reading about the Scientific Revolution, as well as looking at several styles of art. Please begin by discussing the Scientific Revolution. What was it? How did it begin? What came out of it? Then, focus your discussion on how the Scientific Revolution influenced the art of the period (please make sure you provide examples and insert images so the class can see what you're discussing). As part of your response, discuss the role of this intellectual movement in art.

The Scientific Revolution was a sequence of occasions that marked the rise of modern science in the course of the initial modern age, when expansions in astronomy, biology, chemistry, mathematics and physics changed the visions of society regarding nature.

The scientific revolution began in Europe to the completion of the Renaissance period, and continual by the late 18th century.

The scientific revolution started getting public's emphasis away from religion and more on the way to science.

The mid of the 18th century time is called as the Enlightenment. Scientific experiments were vacant as attractive shows to the community in the mid-18th century.

beginnings of the Industrial Revolution

With paintings like these, Wright developed a new subject: sections of research and new equipment, and the beginnings of the Industrial Revolution. Wright’s attraction by light, strange shadows, and darkness, reveals the effect of Baroque art.

Enlightenment philosophers condemned Rococo art for being dishonest and offensive, and named for a new kind of art that would be moral rather than immoral, and explain people right and wrong.

The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulp was Rembrandt's 1st big picture and the work by which he associated his status on moving from Leiden to Amsterdam in 1631-1632. Appointed by the Association of Amsterdam Surgeons, it displays the famous City Anatomist and lecturer Dr. Tulp cut apart the forearm of the body permitted to show the workings of the muscle to other associates of the Specialist's Association.

Anatomy lessons were a social event in the 17th century and the Scientific Revolution was also started in 17th century and Scientific Revolution was a sequence of occasions that marked the rise of modern science.

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