Nursing Research vs Evidence Based Practice

Nursing Research

Nursing research involves the development of knowledge on provision of quality patients’ care. According to Chien (2019), nursing research plays an important role in patients’ care and compliments biomedical research, which aims to trace the cause and treatment process of a disease. An increase in nursing research has increased the life expectancy of patient suffering from chronic disease such as cancers and diabetes. Nursing research enables the nurses to formulate clinical interventions, which are useful in provision of quality care to the patients. The foci of nursing research include promotion of health, patients’ well-being, and competence among the nurses. Additionally, nursing research enables the development and designing of health care systems that are cost effective and promotes patients’ satisfaction. As such, nursing research has a remarkable role in treatment of diseases and development of alternatives remedies for health problems.

In practice, nursing research has two division the quantitative and qualitative research. The qualitative nursing research employs less structured designs compared to the quantitative. The qualitative method use interviews, observation, use of diaries, and focus groups in conduction of studies. The method has four approaches phenomenology, ethnography, grounded theory, and narrative inquiry. Al Kalaldeh, Shosha, Saiah, and Salameh (2018) suggest that the approaches give leeway to exploration and connection of interrelated problems affecting patients. For instance, phenomenology provides evidence on how patients with chronic illnesses perceive the situations. In nursing research, qualitative studies approach offers a portfolio for the patient to express their pain and suffering, which enables nurses to develop the appropriate intervention and health care advice for the patients. On that note, nursing research creates a pathway to explore and develop possible solution to patients suffering from different illnesses.

Evidence-based practice (EBP) employs the use of the best available evidence as the basis of treatment. For effective application of evidence-based practice, the nurses need to assess the patient and formulate the clinical information that helpful to the problem at hand. The collected data transforms to an answerable clinical question, which is significant in tracing the best evidence for the clinical question. The evidence should undergo the appraisal process to validate the impact and applicability. Validity of the evidence gives leeway to its integration in clinical decision-making process. Additionally, evaluation of evidence-based practice data promotes the identification of improvement areas in health care (Chien, 2019). EBP promotes data-backed solutions since the method allows integration of research, evidence, and clinical expertise in provision of health care. Thus, EBP incorporate and assess all the factors that can affect the well-being of the patient creating inclusive intervention strategies.

In conclusion, Application of EBP and nursing research requires the nurses to have leadership skills, research knowledge, and expertise among others. The values enable nurses to customize effective treatment for patients with different needs. Additionally, the incorporation of the approaches in treatment allows nurses develop a pool of solution to available clinical problems. Nursing research and evidence-based practice approaches promote the development of analyzing, solving problems, and decision-making skills among the caregivers. Communication skills also play an important role in the successful incorporation of nursing research and EBP in health care provision. The skills have a significant role in connecting patients and nurses developing a synergy, which allows accurate collecting of facts and evidence required for formulation of interventions to healthcare problems. As such, EBP and Nursing research approach caregiving dynamically allowing deep research and consideration of all variables when nurses are making decision about patients.


Al Kalaldeh, M., Shosha, G. A., Saiah, N., & Salameh, O. (2018). Dimensions of Phenomenology in Exploring Patient's Suffering in Long-Life Illnesses: Qualitative Evidence Synthesis. Journal of patient experience, 5(1), 43–49.

Chien L. Y. (2019). Evidence-Based Practice and Nursing Research. The journal of nursing research : JNR, 27(4), e29.

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