Science unit 3 lesson 2

Question 1

Salinity measures the amount of sodium chloride dissolved in salt water.

a) True

b) False

Question 2

What current type is associated with the sinking of colder, heavier waters?

a) thermohaline currents

b) gyres

c) thermoclines

d) atmospheric currents

Question 3

The Thermohaline circulation involves

temperature differences in the ocean

saline differences in the ocean.

dense cold, salty water and warm, lighter water.

a and b are correct

a, b, and c are correct

Question 4

Surface currents are generated predominantly by:

a) wind

b) temperature

c) density

d) Both b and c

Question 5

Ocean currents are the result of all of the following except


mixing of warm water with cold water

cloud formations

temperature and salinity

saltwater 2

Question 6

Which of the following is NOT characteristic of El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO)?

high populations of marine fishes, such as anchovies

more flooding

warming of water in the tropical east Pacific

higher water temperatures

possible coral bleaching

Question 7

Tides are created by the _______________ gravitational pull. The _______________ to/from the earth, the higher the tide.


moon's; closer


sun's; farther


moon's; farther


sun's; closer

Question 8

Tides are generated by the gravitational pull of the sun.



Question 9

In an El Niño year:

the eastward flow of Pacific warm water weakens and the flow is reversed and warm water flows towards the Asia.

atmospheric pressure falls over Asia and rises over South America

equatorial trade winds strengthen, and warm water moves eastward toward South and Central America and California.

Coastal upwelling in the eastern Pacific (Western South America) dwindles or stops.

North and South America experience drought due to loss of moisture.

Question 10

Upwelling is _________ during El Nino.

a) reduced

b) improved

c) unaffected

d) enhanced

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