Statistics or Facts

Please list two bits of information, statistics or facts that you found at some of these links which interested and/or surprised you?

As I went through the links that was provided for this assignment I found these facts interesting. First of all let check the image below.

After going through this image and checking the statistics I began to wonder is North America heaven? How on earth can they been having improved driving water since 1990 till date. Meaning not a single place in North America has less improved drinking water and sanitation coverage. I don’t if I’m the only one who doesn’t agree with this information and find it surprising.  

The next fact that surprised me was on water scarcity. Already one person in five has no access to safe drinking water. I was really surprise when I found out that about 1/5 (one fifth) of the world’s population live in an area where physical water is scarcity. To make things worst, 1 /4 (one-quarter) of the world’s population faces economic water shortage. I found this to be disturbing and very interesting because I know we always say water is life, so how can we live with the problem.

Explain, in your own words, what the difference is between water quality and water quantity?

Quantity is total number of something and water cannot be measured in numbers. I will then say water quantity is the total yield and the peak flow over a period of time according to my understanding. Whiles water quality is how good water is for drinking, recreational uses, and as habitat for animals (aquatic organisms and the wildlife).

Is water quantity or quality the biggest issue in your local village/town/city? Why? Explain.

Quality of water is one of the biggest issue in my town. For now as I write this my town doesn’t have issue on the quantity of water. I said quality of water is one of our biggest issue in my town because the water company in my town cannot provide water to all households so people turn to dig their own well and most of these wells are not stable for drinking.

Are there disputes, violence or wars over water in your local village/town/city?

There are no disputes, violence or wars over water in my town.

Look up what IWRM is: define it.*

According to Global Water Partnership, Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) is a process which promotes the coordinated development and management of water, land and related resources in order to maximize economic and social welfare in a equitable manner without compromising the sustainability of vital ecosystems and the environment.

Would IWRM work to help water issues in your local village/town/city?

There is an ongoing program by my government in providing quality water and I think IWRM can play a major role in it. They can help protect our water bodies that source of water for the water company in my town. So the company can improve it and supply to various households.


Global Water Partnership, What is IWRM? (2011). Retrieved on January 1, 2019 from

United Nations Environment Programme Global Environment Monitoring System (GEMS), Water Quality Outlook.

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