What is the term for these chromosomes

Part 1 of 6 - Chapter 6

24.0 Points

Question 1 of 33

3.0 Points

In diploid organisms, chromosomes are in a matched pair. What is the term for these chromosomes?


A. unrelated

B. dissimilar

C. heterologous

D. homologous

Feedback: Great job.


Question 2 of 33

3.0 Points

In general, the cell cycle can be divided into three basic phases. What are they?


A. G1, S, G2

B. prophase, anaphase, telophase

C. interphase, mitosis, cytokinesis

D. meiosis, mitosis, S

Feedback: The cell cycle is a continuous process in which the cell is prepping for division, replicating DNA and then the nucleus, finally dividing the cell. Review the cell cycle in Chapter 6.


Question 3 of 33

3.0 Points

How is it possible that a person can have blood type AA, BO or AB, for example?


A. there are two alleles, but a person only has one allele

B. there are three alleles, and a person expresses all three copies

C. there are three alleles, but a person only has two alleles

D. there are two alleles, and a person gets all three, but only expresses two

Feedback: A person gets one copy of an allele from each of their parents, meaning they only have two, even if there are more available. Review the genome in Chapter 6.


Question 4 of 33

3.0 Points

During which stage in interphase does DNA synthesis occur?


A. S phase

B. G2 phase

C. G1 phase

D. Mitosis

Feedback: Great job.


Question 5 of 33

3.0 Points

Which type of human cells contain a half set of chromosomes (often written as n)?


A. genome

B. gamete

C. chromosome

D. nucleus

Feedback: Great job.


Question 6 of 33

3.0 Points

What are oncogenes?


A. genes that cause a cell to become cancerous

B. genes that are responsible for hair loss

C. normal cells that are visible on an X-ray

D. cells that cause a mass without negative effects

Feedback: Great job.


Question 7 of 33

3.0 Points

What is the major difference during cytokinesis in eukaryotes with or without a cell wall?


A. cytokinesis does not occur in cells without a cell wall

B. cell plate in those without cell walls

C. cleavage furrow in those without cell walls

D. cytokinesis does not occur in cells with a cell wall

Feedback: Great job.


Question 8 of 33

3.0 Points

What is the phase that not all cells enter, but is a phase where cells are not actively dividing?


A. G0

B. G2

C. G1

D. S

Feedback: Great job.


Part 2 of 6 - Chapter 7

24.0 Points

Question 9 of 33

3.0 Points

Which event leads to a haploid cell in a life cycle?


A. meiosis

B. fertilization

C. alternation of generations

D. mutation

Feedback: Great job.


Question 10 of 33

3.0 Points

Humans would best be described as having which of the following life cycles?


A. haploid-dominant

B. alternation of generations

C. diploid-dominant

D. gametophyte dominant

Feedback: Great job.


Question 11 of 33

3.0 Points

What is NOT a benefit of asexual reproduction compared to sexual reproduction?


A. all members of the population can reproduce themselves

B. They do not require another organism of the opposite sex.

C. The only source of variation in the next generation is mutation.

D. The offspring will be as successful in the habitat as the parent.

Feedback: Sexual reproduction is key to some species’ survival, as it increases the variability in a population. Review Chapter 7.


Question 12 of 33

3.0 Points

Meiosis produces daughter cells that are what?


A. functionally different in different parts of the body

B. for growth of the body

C. sexual reproduction

D. used to replace dead or damaged cells in the body

Feedback: Great job.


Question 13 of 33

3.0 Points

What is the condensation of X chromosomes into Barr bodies during embryonic development in females to compensate for the double genetic dose called?


A. X inactivation

B. aneuploidy

C. polyploidy

D. reduction

Feedback: Great job.


Question 14 of 33

3.0 Points

What is an individual with the correct number (2n) of chromosomes called?


A. autosome

B. euploid

C. aneuploid

D. polyploid

Feedback: Great job.


Question 15 of 33

3.0 Points

Fungi would best be described as having which of the following life cycles?


A. diploid-dominant

B. haploid-dominant

C. alternation of generations

D. gametophyte dominant

Feedback: Great job.


Question 16 of 33

3.0 Points

In what phase of meiosis does Independent assortment of homologous chromosomes occur?


A. meiosis II

B. cytokinesis

C. meiosis I

D. interphase

Feedback: Great job.


Part 3 of 6 - Chapter 8

24.0 Points

Question 17 of 33

3.0 Points

In a cross between a heterozygous (Aa) mother and a homozygous (aa) father, what is the likely percentage of the offspring that will be homozygous?


A. 50%

B. 25%

C. 75%

D. 100%

Feedback: When determining the genotype of an offspring, a Punnett Square helps to determine the percentages of the genetic make-up. Review Chapter 8.


Question 18 of 33

3.0 Points

In humans, females that are heterozygous for a sex-linked disease will on average pass the trait onto what percentage of her male offspring?


A. 25%

B. 100%

C. 0%

D. 50%

Feedback: Great job.


Question 19 of 33

3.0 Points

In humans, if a female that are homozygous recessive for a sex-linked disease, and the father has the dominate phenotype, what percentage of their male offspring will have the disease?


A. 25%

B. 100%

C. 50%

D. 0%

Feedback: Great job.


Question 20 of 33

3.0 Points

In humans, if a female that are homozygous recessive for a sex-linked disease, and the father has the dominate phenotype, what percentage of their female offspring will be carriers?


A. 0%

B. 100%

C. 25%

D. 50%

Feedback: Great job.


Question 21 of 33

3.0 Points

In humans, which of the following is not a sex-linked conditions?


A. hemophilia

B. some forms of color-blindness

C. left or right handiness

D. muscular dystrophy

Feedback: Great job.


Question 22 of 33

3.0 Points

What are gene variants at the same relative locations on homologous chromosome?


A. linked

B. alleles

C. codominant

D. homozygotes

Feedback: Great job.


Question 23 of 33

3.0 Points

What is the genetic make-up of an organism is described as?


A. phenotype

B. zygotes

C. alleles

D. genotype

Feedback: Great job.


Question 24 of 33

3.0 Points

What is incomplete dominance?


A. an interaction between genes such that one gene masks or interferes with the expression of another

B. a phenomenon in which alleles that are located in close proximity to each other on the same chromosome are more likely to be inherited together

C. when in a heterozygote, expression of two contrasting alleles such that the individual displays an intermediate phenotype

D. in a heterozygote, one trait will conceal the presence of another trait for the same characteristic

Feedback: Great job.


Part 4 of 6 - Lecture Material

12.0 Points

Question 25 of 33

3.0 Points

Red hair is controlled by three common alleles on one chromosome, all of which are recessive. The likelihood of having a child with red hair is thus quite low. What type of inheritance is this?


A. Hierarchal

B. Multiple

C. Mendelian

D. Hybrid

Feedback: Great job!


Question 26 of 33

3.0 Points

What is the term for an individual with one dominant copy of a gene, and one recessive copy of the same gene?


A. heterozygote

B. recessive

C. homozygote

D. dominant

Feedback: Great job!


Question 27 of 33

3.0 Points

What is the result of mitosis?


A. One cell becomes two non-identical cells

B. Two cells become four non-identical cells

C. Two cells become four identical cells

D. One cell becomes two identical cells

Feedback: Great job!


Question 28 of 33

3.0 Points

What is the central dogma of molecular biology?


A. Proteins can reproduce unassisted

B. Proteins cycle through the cell, ending in RNA coiling

C. RNA initiates DNA replication, which controls all aspects of life

D. DNA is read by RNA, which is then read and proteins are produced

Feedback: Great job!


Part 5 of 6 - Part 3: Lab Lecture Material

12.0 Points

Question 29 of 33

3.0 Points

It is not always possible to measure every individual in a population; what is the name of the representative group?


A. statistics

B. sampling unit

C. a body of individuals

D. the organization

Feedback: Correct! Populations can be very large, so smaller groups are sampled in an effort to accurately represent the entire unit.


Question 30 of 33

3.0 Points

What is a method for performing an experiment more than one time to ensure accuracy in results?


A. accuracy

B. precision

C. replication

D. randomization

Feedback: Correct! Sometimes, the experiment is repeated in the same lab, but often times it happens in other labs.


Question 31 of 33

3.0 Points

Which type of experimental design informs the researchers whom the treatment group is, but not the study subjects?


A. double blind

B. no blind

C. single blind

D. triple blind

Feedback: Correct! Being aware of a treatment can influence the results of an experiment, so blind experiments where one group is not aware of the set up are common.


Question 32 of 33

3.0 Points

Which type of variable does not change during an experiment, and serves as a comparison point for all data points?


A. dependent

B. random

C. control

D. independent

Feedback: Correct! There has to be one variable in the experiment that researchers compare the results of the experiment to, so that accurate conclusions can be made.


Part 6 of 6 - Part 6 - 1 Question 4 points - 1 question

4.0 Points

Question 33 of 33

4.0 Points

What is the overall purpose of mitosis?


A. To produce gametes

B. To produce daughter cells

C. To accomplish nuclear division

D. To accomplish cell division

Feedback: The cell cycle is a continuous process in which the cell is prepping for division, replicating DNA and then the nucleus, finally dividing the cell. Review the cell cycle in Chapter 6.


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